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Posts tagged "Education Law"

Determining if end-of-school-year help is needed and what type

We are still in the middle of winter. If you are a parent of a middle or high school student, you might not be thinking much further ahead than next week. But there might be good reason to begin thinking seasonally about your child's educational well-being.

Can 'mindset' theory help those with special mental health needs?

There was a time in education when teachers operated under hard and fast rules. The standards were set by tradition or the best information available at the time. Today, in New York and elsewhere, there is greater appreciation that one-size-fits-all solutions generally don't work and certainly don't in the context of helping students achieve their individual goals.

Education Dept. to reduce school civil rights investigations

Under the leadership of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the U.S. Department of Education will be scaling back the scope and number of its civil rights investigations into public schools and universities. In part, this is in response to Obama-era mandates said to have bogged down the department.

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