Your Child's Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Children who receive special education services are required to have an Individualized Education Program, or an IEP. An IEP is a legally binding document that outlines your child's special needs, the services and accommodations the school must provide, his or her academic goals and a method of measuring your child's academic progress.

Under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), public schools must create an IEP for all students requiring special education services. If you believe your child may qualify for education accommodations, we can help you.

At the Law Offices of Neal H. Rosenberg, our staff of compassionate and experienced education law attorneys offers comprehensive assistance to parents at every step of the IEP process.

Does My Child Qualify For An IEP?

Not all students who struggle in class qualify for an IEP. First, a student goes through a referral process, which includes an evaluation by a school psychologist or another professional. A parent, teacher, counselor or doctor may request an evaluation if it is suspected that a student needs additional accommodations. Then, an IEP team comprised of the child's parents and teachers determine whether the student needs special educational services. If the team concludes your child needs special accommodations, an individual education plan — an IEP — is created. If the team determines your child is ineligible, there may be other ways for them to get special services.

What Can I Expect At IEP Meetings?

By law, the IEP team must review your child's IEP at least once a year. The purpose of the meeting is to confirm the IEP is working. You can track your child's progress and determine whether modifications to the IEP are necessary in order for your child's special educational needs to be appropriately met. Our attorneys can offer support to parents and attend IEP meetings with them. If any disputes arise during the IEP process, we can ensure they are resolved fairly and with the educational interests of your child in mind.

Need Assistance With An IEP Issue? We Can Help.

The IEP is central to your child's special educational program and academic success. Therefore, it is critical to have an IEP that accurately reflects the needs and goals of your child. If you have any concerns about your child's current IEP, or need to resolve a conflict with the school district, our firm can help.

For the skilled, compassionate representation you and your child deserve, contact the Law Offices of Neal H. Rosenberg today to schedule an initial consultation with one of our lawyers. You may call us at 212-732-9450 or send us an email.